On Tuesday, Luke Pollard MP gave a speech during the Fisheries Debate in Westminster Hall. As the MP for Plymouth, Sutton, and Devonport, Luke represents over 1000 fishers from his constituency. During the speech, he talked about the need for greater government commitments to the fishing industry after failing to do so post Brexit. He also asked what the government plans were for reaching net-zero fishing commitments.

On Twitter Luke said:

“In today’s fisheries debate I made the case for investment in #plymouth’s fish market and called for Defra to prepare a plan for Net Zero fishing. I will continue speaking up for South west fishers in Parliament.


“The government made big promises to South West fishers and nearly all of them have been broken. Fishing matters to our region and it should matter more to ministers. The upcoming quota negotiations must not be the second part of this long betrayal.”

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