Luke Pollard MP
Luke Pollard MP
Pension Credit provides a vital income for our most vulnerable pensioners. It is worth more than £3,500 per year on average, but despite this it is also one of the most underclaimed benefits.
You can claim it at any time, but there are just seven days left to claim Pension Credit and qualify for the first £301 Cost of Living Payment of 2023. These are difficult financial times for everyone, and I know from hearing those people who have contacted me how important it is to receive every penny of help that they can.
If you think that you or one of your relatives might eligible to claim, please use this the online Pension Credit calculator to check. Provided a claim is made before Friday 19 May, it can be backdated for up to three months.
Further information on Pension Credit can be found on GOV.UK (, including instructions on how to apply.
If you live in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport and would like my help, please get in touch by emailing me at or calling 01752 717255.
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