Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport has today attacked Government plans to bring forward Parliamentary summer recess a week early. In the midst of key Brexit debates, the Plymouth MP has raised concerns there is unfinished work to do in Westminster and appealed to MPs in the South West to vote against the motion so MPs can continue to scrutinise Government.

The Prime Minister, Theresa May, is under increasing pressure from her own party because of divisions over her Brexit policy. With a series of resignations from Government Ministers, including Cornish MP Scott MP over the past week, the decision to bring summer recess forward for MPs is seen as a desperate attempt to avoid further conflict and a no confidence vote in her leadership.

Luke Pollard MP said:

“When the Government has huge questions to answer over its Brexit policy, instead to facing up to scrutiny the Prime Minister is trying to end Parliament early. This is a disgrace. I am not voting for Parliament to finish early to make Theresa May’s life easier. I want all South West MPs to vote down this plan.”


“Brexit is the single biggest issue facing Plymouth and we need to get into the detail not clocking off early. The Prime Minister is putting herself and her own Government’s survival before the national interest. I won’t be supporting Theresa May’s latest shambolic attempt to manage her split and warring parliamentary party.


“Hard working people in Plymouth and people across the country struggling to make ends meet will not be pleased to hear Parliament is shutting down early. Recess doesn’t mean extra holiday – there are a million and one things to get on with in Plymouth, but what this plan would do is limit the essential ability for MPs to question the Government in debates. That is what democracy is all about and the Prime Minister is showing once again a real disdain for it. Ask your MP to join me and Labour MPs in voting against this. There’s work to be done.”

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