Privacy Policy 

Privacy policy for Luke Pollard, Plymouth Sutton and Devonport. 

As your Member of Parliament, I receive a lot of personal information. You have a right to know that this information and data is being held confidentially and treated professionally by me and my team. 

This privacy policy deals with how my office handles your data. It is a legal requirement that we have a privacy policy, so you know how we treat and handle your data. We have tried to write it in as plain English as possible but if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch. 

The legal stuff 

Any personal information that you give to me will be handled confidentially by me, the staff and volunteers in my office, in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 

If you would like information about the Data Protection Act 2018, this can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office through their website or advice line 0303 123 1113 

What data do we collect about you? 

My office collects personal information that is supplied to me in my role as a Member of Parliament including your name and address. It includes information supplied by my constituents (people who live in the area I represent) and others in relation to matters which I have been asked to pursue in the interests of individuals and groups who live in my constituency such as: 

  • details of specific cases 
  • information provided by signatories on petitions 
  • responses to questionnaires 
  • contact details for the purpose of communicating news and updates 

Who is the Data Controller? 

The Data Controller is the person legally responsible for data within an organisation. For my office the data controller is Luke Pollard, he can be contacted on or 01752 717255 

How will we use the information about you? 

If you ask me to pursue a matter on your behalf, I will use your information in order to pursue the matter you have raised with me. My staff and volunteers will normally see this information to find help and advice for you. Your personal and sensitive personal information may be passed to other agencies (for example the Department for Work and Pensions, the CSA, Plymouth City Council) if I believe this to be necessary to pursue the matter you have raised with me. 

I intend that only the minimum possible personal information will be shared with other agencies, as necessary to further your cause. If you give me personal information about someone other than yourself, I may need to check the facts with that other person. If you ask me to take action on behalf of a friend or relative I may need to contact that person to confirm that they are happy for me to act on their behalf. If you feel it would not be appropriate for me to contact the other person, you should discuss this with me and my team when you give me their information. 

Special category data we hold  

The Office may hold special category data for a minority of data subjects. This data will be processed under the lawful basis, as is permitted in clauses 23 and 24 of schedule 1 of the Data Protection (Processing of Sensitive Personal Data) (Elected Representatives) Order 2002. The data may include: 

  • Political opinions 
  • Religious beliefs 
  • Trade union activities 
  • Sexual orientation 
  • Race and ethnic origin 
  • Details of criminal offences 
  • Physical and mental health 

Plymouth news and events 

I would like to send you information about my activities as your Member of Parliament, news and events, but I will not use your contact details to do this unless you have said that you would like to be sent this information. If you have said that you would like this information, but later change your mind, you have a right at any time to let us know if you no longer wish to be sent this information. If you wish to receive or stop receiving this information, please contact my office. 

Access to your information and correction 

If you wish to see any information that I hold about you, if you want me to update or correct any personal information that I hold about you, or if you have any queries regarding personal data that I hold about you, please contact my office: Luke Pollard, 13 Frankfort Gate, Plymouth, PL1 1QA or call 01752 717255. 

Other websites 

This privacy notice only applies to information on my website and does not apply to information contained on other websites that are linked from this one. 


We may use cookies – including analytics cookies provided by companies such as Google – in order to tailor your experience on our site according to the preferences you have specified. However, we will only access the information that we stored in your cookie file. We will not access any information stored in a cookie placed by other websites. Our cookies do not contain personally identifiable information, other than your IP address, which itself is only very rarely enough to identify you as an individual. 


We provide you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from my office easily and promptly. Our unsubscribe requests are processed weekly. 

Disclosing personal information 

We may disclose your personal information, this would be on the lawful basis of vital interest: 

  • to the extent that we are required to do so by law 
  • where we believe non-disclosure would put someone at risk, e.g. if we are made aware of a child protection or human trafficking issue 
  • to the relevant authorities if the communication is threatening, abusive or constitutes aggressive behaviour. Please note we have a zero tolerance policy towards abuse towards me and my staff. By all means be robust, determined but please avoid insults, slurs, abuse or threats. 

Changes to our privacy policy 

This privacy policy was last updated on 6 June 2024 

How to contact us? 

Please contact my office if you have any queries regarding this privacy policy or how my office handles your information. 

Plymouth Office: Luke Pollard, 13 Frankfort Gate, Plymouth, PL1 1QA. 

Telephone number 01752 717255. Email: 

If you wish to make a complaint contact the ICO you can call our helpline on 0303 123 1113 or find more information on their website

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