Luke's letter to Amazon UK director John Boumphrey

Luke Pollard MP has written to Amazon’s UK Country Manager John Boumphrey in relation to the controversy surrounding an ITV News item showing Amazon workers apparently destroying unsold stock, much of it new and unused, in a Dunfermline landfill site.

Footage showed large amounts of stock, including many unused electrical items, being destroyed at a UK warehouse instead of being resold, donated to charity or recycled.

Mr Pollard wrote:

“Like many people, I’ve used Amazon over lockdown – but this behaviour strikes me, as an Amazon customer and as Labour’s lead on the environment, as plainly wrong. I would ask that you immediately review your waste practices and make clear that the ‘destroy’ command for Amazon workers will be replaced. When I last met with representatives of your company you made the strong case that you were aiming to become a more sustainable business.


Britain’s biggest companies not only have a responsibility to pay their fair share of tax but also to be climate leaders. Big companies should be doing all they can to promote a circular economy – not a disposable, throw-away culture. On this evidence, it seems that Amazon UK has a long way to go.”

Luke Pollard MP had previously addressed this issue on his Twitter account:

Luke concluded his letter by asking that Amazon explain why such wasteful practices have been identified and to clarify what steps are being taken to address these concerns.

You can read Luke Pollard MP’s letter to Amazon UK Manager John Boumphrey in full at the top of the page.

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