Good news! Devil’s Point and Firestone Bay has finally been designated as an official bathing water by the Government, following my year and a half long campaign.

The Environment Agency must now regularly test water quality at Devil’s Point and make the results publicly available, giving swimmers, kayakers and paddleboarders peace of mind that it is safe to take a dip.

I launched my campaign to make Devil’s Point a bathing water in  January last year after shocking reports of sewage being routinely discharged into seas and rivers across the country.

The campaign attracted widespread support from Plymothians. 1,000 residents signed my bathing water petition, which I presented to Parliament in March 2022.

100 local volunteers helped me count swimmers at Devil’s Point in June 2022 as part of the application process. Over 6,500 water users were recorded in the single month, helping to strengthen the bathing water application.

Thank you to everyone in Plymouth who supported my campaign. It’s been a huge team effort.

Bruce Newport, the Environment Agency’s Area Environment Manager, said:

“The Environment Agency is delighted that Firestone Bay has been designated as an official bathing water. Designated beaches automatically get better protection from outfall pipes, so this designation protects water quality and will add to the beauty of this Ocean City”.

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