Luke Pollard MP Labour & Co-op Member of Parliament for Plymouth Sutton & Devonport
Good news. The City Council have confirmed to me that they are now not going to remove the stone seats around the Sun Dial in the city centre in the Armada Way regeneration after all. This is welcome news and comes after I submitted my initial consultation response a few weeks ago.
I’m grateful to everyone who has shared their views about the new plans for Armada Way. I think the plans are a huge improvement on the scheme from the last Tory council and will see 200 trees planted, more mature trees, a playground the size of five tennis courts and more cycling and benches.
You have until 28 November to get your views into the City Council. I’ve been speaking to the team behind the consultation regularly and they’ve had a huge response already. I know the Tory decision to chop down the trees caused real upset across Plymouth and damaged our reputation as a city, so let’s make sure this new plan has as many views fed in as possible so it can be done right this time.
Click here to submit to the consultation: