This weekend is the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch and a chance to be part of the UK’s biggest citizen science experiment recording which birds are visiting your garden.
Over 300,000 people have already signed up to count birds and species in their garden this weekend. Last year they counted 9million birds! This all helps the RSPB work out which bird species are in decline and which ones are on the up.
To mark the Big Garden Birdwatch the RSPB took me and some other MPs on a garden birdwatch at Lambeth Palace – the home of the Archbishop of Canterbury! This was quite a treat as I hadn’t been there before. The oldest part of Lambeth Palace dates from 1197 and the gardens have been tended continuously for over 800 years!
We saw some robins, parakeets, blue tits and grey tits and heard – but didn’t see – a wren. At only 9g these birds are so small they’re hard to spot as they’re mainly on the ground.
The climate crisis and human development means some bird species are under threat, with numbers declining. The Big Garden Birdwatch is a chance to help the RSPB and help nature on our doorstep.
Find out more by clicking here.